Although the majority of your possessions are perfectly safe with any trusted
Nashville mover, there are some expensive and sentimental items which are better off on your person or in your personal vehicle. And to be honest it isn’t really a matter of safety; more of just knowing these sensitive items are 100% secure and won’t be lost or misplaced during the move. The Nashville mover you choose will certainly assign you a move coordinator who will outline the stages of your move but things do happen. By keeping these personal items in your possession there will be no question of their whereabouts.
Here is a list of typical items you should always keep with you:
- Wallet – Cash, ATM Card, Credit Cards, etc.
- Important Financial Papers
- Bank Records
- Medical Records
- Passports
- Computer File Backups/Flash Drives
- Cell Phone
- Medication
- Cosmetics and Toiletries
While these may be common sense to some people, the rush and stress of moving can make even the most organized individual overlook a few things. Just ask any mover in Nashville: it happens! We often have to help customers search for documents they become worried about only to show them they are safe and sound where we packed them. The fear of identity theft is a constant worry nowadays but should never be an issue during a move.
Some customers also like to keep their family photo albums and other sentimental items in their possession. The likelihood of them being damaged is slim to none but just having them close makes some customers feel better. Your mover in Nashville will undoubtedly help you place these belongings wherever you prefer.
And last but not least, the list of items you packed. This list should always be handy so you can verify with your move coordinator exactly what was in the boxes when they left your old home. This way there will be no question as to what left your old home and what should be arriving at your new one.
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