The moving process has many components. Choosing a moving company, picking which belongings will come with to the new residence, wrapping belongings, packing belongings, finding pet transport the list goes on. But when you realize that you have one or more
vehicles to transport to the new location too the process gets a bit more complicated. A car isn’t something you can just wrap with newspaper and put in a box. When you arrive at this hurdle there are two options. Option one, drive the car yourself or option two, ship the car. There are a few things to consider when making a decision on whether to ship or drive your car to your new residence.
Distance- Depending on the amount of miles you are moving from your current location you may want to fly. In this case shipping your car is the perfect option. On the other hand if you are moving within driving distance (or short roadtrip distance) it may be a better option to drive.
Cost- Coming back to the distance question. Will it cost you more in gas money to drive your car rather than ship it? A simple calculation included MPG can help you find this out.
Time – In a rush? Having your car shipped before you leave so it is waiting in your driveway when you arrive.
Extra Vehicles- If you have more vehicles than of age drivers you will probably wan to consider shipping.
Antique/Sports Cars- Road trips can be treacherous and if you have a car you like to keep in tip top shape shipping it may be the way to go.
Depreciation- Will the mileage you put on your car depreciate it more than the cost of shipment? This concept is sometimes skipped over and thought about too late. Remember car is equity!
Taking time to decide whether or not you want to ship your car is an important step in the moving process. Remember to not overlook your vehicle. To discuss car shipment call Apex Moving and Storage today!
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