Happy Thanksgiving from the Apex Moving+Storage family! Thanksgiving is all about gathering with friends and family to share good food, hearty laughs and treasured memories. We know this time of year is hard for many who can’t afford to put food on the table and this is one of the reasons we partner with the nonprofit Move for Hunger.
As part of our partnership with Move for Hunger, for the past four years, we have participated in a Turkey Drive. We provide trucks and volunteers to the Dickson County Help Center so that as many people as possible can enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. This year, our team of drivers and volunteers went to three different locations to load up more than 1,200 turkeys, each weighing between 14-15 pounds, as well as additional bags of food. These items were then transported to the local food bank and our community. The ladies at Dickson County Help Center are the best with big hearts. Thanks to the efforts of the community, about 30,000 pounds of food were distributed!
We care about the community we serve and believe in giving back, year-round. We pay it forward by using our resources to collect food from transferees’ pantries and donate it to local food banks. Just a few short months ago, we were recognized by Move for Hunger for reaching the milestone of 100,000 meals this year, but our total to date has more than tripled that. Since our inception almost 100 years ago, our goal has been to serve our community, clients, partners and our employees to the best of our ability. We express our gratitude for your support this past year and look forward to continued success in the future.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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