April showers might bring May flowers, but they make for a crummy moving day. With the rainy season upon us and the increased risk of potential weather, rainy moving days could be likely. Here are a few tips if you find yourself moving in the rain.

Set Up a Staging Area
If the weather isn’t cooperating on moving day, you’ll have to get proactive. Make moving boxes more accessible by having them gathered in one location. Stack boxes in an empty garage or lined against a front hallway to help your residential movers have faster load times.
Protect Your Furniture
While cardboard boxes will provide some protection for household items, your furniture risks immediate exposure. Protect your fabric or wood furniture by layering it with shrink wrapping. You can also minimize exposure by pre-planning which doors bulky items fit through best.
Protect Wet Boxes
Wet cardboard isn’t very sturdy. Consider increasing protection by lining your moving boxes with packing paper or plastic. If boxes do get wet on the trek to the truck, make sure to wipe them off quickly. Letting water settle will result in a soggy box.
Beat Movers to the New Location
After the last box is loaded, make haste to the new location. You can get the new house set up and ready to efficiently receive incoming boxes in the empty but dry garage. Bearing safety in mind, efficiency is critical on a rainy moving day.
Protect Your Home
There’s a lot of foot traffic on a moving day. When rain creates messes, you’ll want to keep those from getting inside. Lay down tarps, unfolded cardboard boxes, or blankets to protect your flooring. The added protection will also enhance safety by reducing slip areas.
Unpack Right Away
You can use all these tips and minimize wet exposure, but a rainy moving day will always increase moisture. Don’t let your cardboard boxes sit around and soak. Start unpacking immediately when you get to the new location.
Hiring an experienced long-distance mover will ensure you get special insider knowledge to mitigate the effects of rain. Apex Moving and Storage has served Tennessee with superior residential moving services and dedicated customer care for over 50 years. Get started with a free quote.
Meta: Apex Moving and Storage is Middle Tennessee’s choice residential mover with more than 50 years of dedicated service. Get started with a free quote today.
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