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Ellen B.

I’ve finally caught my breath and wanted to share an experience I had this past weekend regarding the concept of “team.” First of all, our move went off without a hitch, primarily because I had the best group of movers who had my back the entire way on Friday. They showed up around 10 am Friday all smiles and yet totally committed to work. As I showed them around, pointing out things I thought would be a problem, they shushed me. The message was clear: Nothing was too heavy or too large for them to take on, even if it meant there were stairs involved at both ends. As they set off to move what seemed like a million boxes, they really acted like this was FUN! They joked and laughed all day long. And yet it became evident to me that they were supporting each other every step. Moving a large armoire down the stairs, they maintained the laughter, but the downstairs guy was coaching his partner. “Three more steps. Two more steps. One more step. We’re there!” It was with such enthusiasm that I was in awe. These were the strongest men I had ever seen and they were truly kind to each other and to my family as they worked their tails off! Even my neighbors commented on their good moods as they witnessed the effort they made. As they were taking things off the truck at the other end, they moved quickly, but they constantly checked on each other. As one passed with his arms full, his colleague would ask, “You OK, bro?” “I’m OK.” They next guy, the same thing, “You OK, bro?” “I’m OK,”

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