You’ve decided to move abroad from Nashville and are brimming with excitement. You’ve taken care of all the moving logistics, but you still have one big item left on your to-do list: adjusting to a new time zone. Besides changes associated with the move itself, you’ll also be faced with an altered sleep cycle, a new schedule and adapting every day habits, like catching your favorite shows on time.

Start Preparing Early

The best way to minimize the impacts of impending jet-lag is to prepare as much as possible before your big move. In the weeks leading up to your moving day, take a little time each day to adjust your body’s circadian rhythm, or pattern of sleep and wakefulness. The bigger the time change, the earlier you should start.

This can be done by simply going to bed a little bit earlier or later each night (depending on if your new time zone will be earlier or later than what you’re currently used to) and waking up slightly earlier or later. As the days pass, slowly increase the adjustment time until your sleep cycle is as close as possible to what it will need to be in your new home.

Sleep Easier

One way to make this process easier is by using light-blocking window coverings and/or an eye mask when going to sleep early. It is also good to steer clear of caffeine or alcohol at least four hours before you’re planning to go to sleep so that drifting off at a new time is easier. Using electronics like tablets and smartphones can also keep your body from resting easy, so be sure and fully “unplug” from everything before hitting the hay.

Remind Yourself

As you slowly recover from jet-lag and are settling into your new place, keep reminders for all of your important dates and times, so they are less likely to slip your mind. Setting alarms on your smartphone or tablet is a great way to stay organized—and on time. And though it will probably be difficult at first, try your best to do what the locals do at the time of your arrival. If they’re eating breakfast, you should, too. If you arrive at night and they’re going to bed, feel free to do the same. The faster you jump into the routines of your new home and community, the faster you can really feel a part of it!

For more tips on preparing and moving from Nashville to a new time zone, contact Apex Moving & Storage today!